Dashboard Confessional es un grupo de música de origen estadounidense, liderado por el músico-compositor y guitarrista Chris Carrabba, originario de Boca Ratón (Florida).
En 1999 nace Dashboard Confessional como un proyecto solista-paralelo de Chris Carrabba, en el cual Chris tocaba la guitarra, cantaba y escribía todas las canciones.
Chris Carrabba grabó un par de cintas, entregadas una a su hermana y otra a su mejor amiga -Amy Fleisher-, quien trabajaba para Fiddler Records.
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Title: As Lovers Go Artist: Dashboard Confessional Chords by: Marc Perdido merricksosilly@hotmail.com
I've been trying to find accurate chords for this song with little success so I decided to get the chords myself from the song by ear. Perhaps I'm tone deaf. And, in the case that it doesn't sound right or you think its pretty accurate, I'd like to read your comments. through my email. =) Enjoy. -- I sent these chords before and then I realized the chords for the chorus are transposed up in the end of the song so I've added that this time. Also, I corrected C# in the first chorus of the previous version which should've been
BG#m She said, "I've gotta be honest. You're wasting your EB time if you're fishing 'round here BG#m And I said, "You must be mistaken 'cause I'm not EB fooling. This feeling is real. BG#m She said, "You've gotta be crazy! What do you EB Take me for, some kind of easy mark?" BG#m You've got wits. You've got looks. You've got passion. EB But, I swear that you've got me all wrong.
BE All wrong EG#m All wrong G#mE But, you've got me...
BEG#m I'll be true. I'll be useful. I'll be cavalier. I'll be EC#mA yours my dear. And, I'll belong to you if you just let me through.
BF#G#mC#mEF# This is easy as lovers go, so don't complicate it by hesitating.
BF#G#mC#m And, this is wonderful as loving goes. This is taylor made. EF# What's the sense in waiting?