Colin Hay, el que fuera vocalista y parte del alma de Men at Work, que ahora en solitario se ha embarcado en un proyecto con un sonido limpio y acústico, capaz de transmitir mucho más de lo que se podría presuponer en este estilo musical. Pese a sus desavenencias con el resto del grupo, sobre todo con el guitarrista Ron Stryker, decidió continuar con el mundo de la música que tantas alegrías le dió y al que supo corresponder convirtiéndose junto a su banda
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
------------------------------- - Overkill (acoustic version) - - by Men at Work/Colin Hay - ------------------------------- Tab-Version by: TKchaos
DD/C# I can't get to sleep CC/BCC/BC/AC/G [indexfinger-movement* ] I think about the implications DD/C# Of diving in too deep CC/BCC/BC/AC/G And possibly the complications DD/C# Especially at night CC/BCC/BC/AC/G I worry over situations DD/C# I know will be alright CC/B Perhaps it's just imagination
BmAAsus4AAsus2A5* [hit only the 5th, 4th and 3rd string] Day after day it reappears BmAA7 Night after night my heartbeat, shows the fear F#sus4F#GAAsus4AAsus2A5 Ghosts appear and fade away
DD/C# Alone between the sheets CC/BCC/BC/AC/G Only brings exasperation DD/C# It's time to walk the streets CC/B Smell the desperation DD/C# At least there's pretty lights CC/BCC/BC/AC/G And though there's little variation DD/C# It nullifies the night CC/B From overkill
BmAAsus4AAsus2A5* Day after day it reappears BmAA7 Night after night my heartbeat, shows the fear F#sus4F#GGAAsus4 Ghosts appear and fade away, come back another day
(SOLO) [Verse + Chorus]
DD/C# I can't get to sleep CC/BCC/BC/AC/G I think about the implications DD/C# Of diving in too deep CC/BCC/BC/AC/G And possibly the complications DD/C# Especially at night CC/BCC/BC/AC/G I worry over situations that DD/C# I know will be alright CC/B It's just overkill
BmAAsus4AAsus2A5* Day after day it reappears BmAA7 Night after night my heartbeat, shows the fear F#sus4F#GAAsus4A Ghosts appear and fade away F#sus4F#GAAsus4A Ghosts appear and fade away F#sus4F#G Ghosts appear and fade a-way
Rhythm: 1n2n3n4n XxxXxxXx
*[indexfinger-movement]: 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 n C/BCC/BC/A C/G
Bm -24432 A -02220 A5 -022-- A7 -02020 Asus2 -02200 Asus4 -02230 F#sus4 244400 F# 244300 G 355400
---------------------------------------------------------- Note: There is a 2nd Guitar in the Acoustic-Version. Live also played a little bit different (like the indexfinger-movement) Please rate.