Alkaline Trio es una banda de Chicago, compuesta actualmente por Matt Skiba, Dan Andriano y Derek Grant. Su punk pop es bastante peculiar, con constantes alusiones (gráficas, escritas y físicas) a lo gótico, la muerte, el fuego, corazones rotos o el alcoholismo.
La banda se formó en diciembre de 1996 con Matt Skiba a la cabeza (después de pasar previamente como batería por grupos como Jerkwater o The Traitors) de las voces y la guitarra principal, Rob Doran como bajo y voces , y Glenn Porter en la batería.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Verse: GAmEm You're on your own my little nightmare you cannot stay here Em It's far too bright for you GAmEm If they attack you just lay there, play dead dear Em It's your only hope of pulling through GAmEm The seconds may seem like a lifetime, a dream recurring Em A dream that can't come true GAmEmC And they pin it all on you after all you've been put through
Chorus: EmCGD "Sadie G. she's crazy see?" That's what the whitecoats say EmCGD Now Ms Susan A., you're losing every opportunity to put us all away
GAmEm (x2)
Verse 2: Now run along my little nightmare your job is done here You scared 'em all to death If they revive them just sit there Just smile dear make them grateful for every breath The sentence may seem like a lifetime of scream That's curdling the blood they found on you And your knives & clothing too Charlie's broken .22
and then... EmCGD Well they found you and they shipped you up the river the same way EmCGD But you bound and gagged you shot and stabbed you tried to set 'em free
But they've thrown away the key
GEmCD (x4)
GEmCD Whoooooooooooooooa! (etc.)
Chorus chords (x2)
End on G
Drop me a line if there's any errors: email me [email protected] d_phx x x x