Alice Cooper fue una banda de rock and roll, más en concreto hard rock, pionera del género conocido como glam rock. Surgida en 1964 en Arizona, Estados Unidos, logró su mayor auge durante los años 70. Posteriormente, su líder, continuaría como solista tomando el antiguo nombre de la banda, Alice Cooper, y moviéndose hasta nuestros días entre géneros tan dispares como el heavy metal (siendo considerado un relevante precursor de éste ), la new wave o el Pop rock
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Intro BBBDmajEmajE x 2 BBBDmajEmajEEmajEmajEmajDEmajEEE
Emaj The boy’s got problems the boy’s got stress the boy's got a .38 hidden in his desk EmajBb The boy’s got a chickie with four months to go, grim facts every parent better know Emaj The girl’s a heavy teaser wants to do a private show Emaj She got a hundred thousand fantasies she wants the band to know Emaj She likes to brush against my Levi’s likes to watch me grow BbEBbEmaj Grim facts, every parent better know, grim facts, every parent better know GEGEBbE Red lights, gang fights, brewing in the heat GEGEDBAGA Cop cars, gay bars, on your precious street, that ain’t so neat Emaj Sister’s on the street now looking for some Joe only got about an hour to pay for her new nose Emaj She gets a hundred for her body a nickel for her soul BbEmajBbEmaj These are grim facts every parent must know, grim facts, every parent must know GEGEBbE Red lights, gang fights, brewing in the heat GEGEDBAGA Cop cars, gay bars, on your precious street, that ain’t so neat
Emaj And I’m feeling itchy gotta fire down below I'm a walking loaded timebomb that's just about to blow Emaj Try to slide inside my pocket but it’s strictly SRO BbEmajBbEmaj Grim facts every parent gotta know grim facts every parent gotta know GEGEBbE Red lights, gang fights, brewing in the heat GEGEDBAGA Cop cars, gay bars, on your precious street, that ain’t so neat
(LAST BIT PLAYS OUT TO THIS) BBBDmajEmajEEmaj etc Oooooooooh grim facts growing all the time Bb Grim facts real grim yeah Emaj Grim facts