C am
There's nothing left to say
em D
I'm not with you
C am em D
You lie so far away from the truth
C am em D
Jupiter you're on my mind
c am em D
The clock will turn the gears of time
C am em D
I only want to be with you
C am em D
Symmetry can lean askew
C am
It's gripping on my mind
em D C am em D
I'll stay impossible to define while you're away
( C am em D x2 )
c am
There's still nothing to say
em D
I'm not with you
C am em D
Sometimes the path least traveled is the avenue
C am em D
The stranger in your life you thought you knew
c am em em
How can I be yellow and still so blue im blue
C am em D
Jupiter you're on my mind
c am em D
The clock will turn the gears of time
C am em D
I only want to be with you
C am em D
Symmetry can lean askew
C am
It's gripping on my mind
em D C am em D
I'll stay impossible to define while you're away
C am em D
Jupiter you're on my mind
c am em D
The clock will turn the gears of time
C am em D
I only want to be with you
C am em D
Symmetry can lean askew