THEMES is a U.S. band consisting of Jacy McIntosh and Kelsey Crawford, founded in 2005 in Santa Rosa, California.
In 2007 THEMES relocated to their previous home town, Minneapolis, Minnesota, where they recorded and released their second album War over the Great Plains. The band spent the remainder of the year touring the U.S.
In early 2008 they returned to Minneapolis to record two 7” records with Miniature Record Club: “I Can’t Make You Believe
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
CG Umi ha aoku nemuri DmAm Daichi ni inochi mebae BmCBmAm Soshite sora ga soshite sora ga DmG Ashita wo yumemite CG Hora umarekawatta chikyuu ga FmAbCGC Mezame no asa wo mukaeru DmAmDmC Oyoge nami ketate hashire tsuchi wo keri DmG/FmG Konna ni chikyuu ga suki dakara CDmGC Konna ni yoake ga utsukushii kara
DmAmDmFmC Utae koe awase odore kata wo kumi DmG/FmG Konna ni chikyuu ga suki dakara CDmGC Konna ni yoake ga utsukushii kara