Phoenix es un grupo francés de rock alternativo de vertiente Underground formado a finales de los años 90 en Versalles, Francia.
La banda se formó en 1999 en el suburbio parisino de Versalles, dentro del mismo movimiento que vio nacer a Air y Daft Punk a finales de los 90. Phoenix empezó haciendo un remix del sencillo "Kelly Watch the Stars" de Air. Se volvieron rápidamente un éxito "underground" gracias al sonido loungy/mellow y sin pretensiones de su álbum del 2000 "United".
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
DmFBbF Fences in a row Fences in a row Wired and protected In a row...
(F) DmBbDmBb If only Your necessary silhouette Unknown, join the dissidents Got carried away Now hiding from their lies and discords? Once remembered now forgotten
FBb Come roll the dice for me Roll the dice for me
DmCDmC Hold on better undone If really on your own Thinking this is fun? Feathers fallen from drapes Fold her into pieces Tied up and lace
DmFBbF Fences in a row Fences in a row Wired and protected In a row...
(F) DmBbDmBb Got carried away Thought I would've let you know Did you miss a message? I know you still Would rather mess with me than get going She's been building up a castle in la
FBb Roll the dice for me
DmCDmC Hold on better undone If really on your own Thinking this is fun? Feathers fallen from drapes Fold her into pieces Tied up and lace
DmFBbF Fences in a row Fences in a row Wired and protected In a row