Originarios de Malibu, California; Bajo el nombre de "Blyss", la primera formación de este grupo lanza en 1999 el album " Diff's Lucky Day" que incluye entre otros los temas "Fool", "What's Wrong With That" y "Breathing". Este útlimo tema será luego incluído en el primer album editado en el año 2000, ya bajo el nombre de Lifehouse: "No Name Face", del cual se extrae el single "Hanging by a Moment". El single ganó ese mismo año el premio Billboard Music Award como el éxito más sonado del año
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
"Somewhere in Between" by: Lifehouse album: No Name Face
I wanted to learn this song, but the other versions on the site didn't sound at all (albeit they got me pointed in the right direction). Also, the chord changes didn't seem to in the right places, so I tried as best I could to line them up the way that it sounds the song (Hopefully it posts right!). I think this sounds just like the album version, you can be the judge. I think that this might also be the simplest chord progression. best to play this along with the album to get the strumming and chord changes down Have fun!
Chords used:
Emaj: 079900 A: 577655 C#: 446664 B: 799877
EmajAC#B x4
EmajA I can't be losing sleep
C#B over this no I can't
EmajAC#B and now I cannot stop pacing
EmajAC# give me a few hours
BEmaj I'll have this all sorted out
AC#B if my mind would just stop racing
C#BA 'cause I cannot stand still
C#BA I can't be this unsturdy
C#BA this cannot be happening
EmajAC# this is over my head
BEmaj but underneath my feet
A 'cause by tomorrow morning
C#B I'll have this thing beat
EmajA and everything will be
C#B back to the way that it was
EmajAC#B I wish that it was just that easy
C#BA 'cause I'm waiting for tonight
C#BA then waiting for tomorrow
C#BA and I'm somewhere in between
AEmajA what is real and just a dream
C#BEmajA what is real and just a dream
C#BEmajA what is real and just a dream
EmajAC# would you catch me if I fall
B out of what I fell in
EmajAC# don't be surprised if I collapse
B down at your feet again
EmajAC#B I don't want to run aw---ay from this
EmajAC#B I know that I just don't need this
C#BA 'cause I cannot stand still
C#BA I can't be this unsturdy
C#BA this cannot be happening
C#BA 'cause I'm waiting for tonight
C#BA then waiting for tomorrow
C#BA and I'm somewhere in between
AEmajA what is real and just a dream
C#BEmajA what is real and just a dream
C#BEmajA what is real and just a dream
C#BEmajA what is real and just a dream C#B
END ON A Any comments or corrections may be sent to [email protected]