Cuando cuatro músicos se encuentran en una misma encrucijada y disfrutan a tope cuando tocan juntos, es una circunstania muy especial que hay que aprovechar al máximo. ¿Y cómo se disfruta más?. Pues haciendo una propuesta en común que les permita que aquello que les hace sentir bien dure lo máximo posible.
De ésta manera nace Planxty, el primer "Supergrupo" irlandés.
¿Y qué puede pasar entonces?. Puede ocurrir que una nueva historia se
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
EADGBe, but I perform it in my version of open C (CGCEGC, which is a whole step down from open D, as opposed to the more traditional open C tuning, CGCGCE)
Chords used: EADGBe C:X32010 F:133211 or XX3211 G:320033
CGCEGC C:000000 F:500500 G:X02300
Intro (same as chorus progression):
||C |C | F | G ||
||C |F |C |G ||
||C |C ||
Verse 1:
C There was a jolly beggarman FG Came tripping o'er the plain CF He came unto a farmer's door CG A lodging for to gain C The farmer's daughter she came down FG And viewed him cheek and chin CF She says "He is a handsome man CG I pray you take him in"
C We'll go no more a roving FG A roving in the night CF We'll go no more a roving CG Let the moon shine so bright C We'll go no more a roving
Verse 2:
C He would not lie within the barn FG Nor yet within the byre CF But he would in the corner lie CG Down by the kitchen fire C O then the beggar's bed was made FG Of good clean sheets and hay CF And down beside the kitchen fire CG The jolly beggar lay
C We'll go no more a roving FG A roving in the night CF We'll go no more a roving CG Let the moon shine so bright C We'll go no more a roving
Verse 3:
C The farmer's daughter she got up FG To bolt the kitchen door CF And there she saw the beggar GG Standing naked on the floor C He took the daughter in his arms FG And to the bed he ran CF Kind sir, she says, be easy now CG You'll waken our good man
C We'll go no more a roving FG A roving in the night CF We'll go no more a roving CG Let the moon shine so bright C We'll go no more a roving
Verse 4:
C Now you are no beggar FG You are some gentleman CF For you have stolen my maidenhead CG And I am quite undone C I am no lord, I am no squire FG Of beggars I be one CF And beggars they be robbers all CG So now you're quite undone
Last Chorus:
C We'll go no more a roving FG A roving in the night CF We'll go no more a roving CG Let the moon shine so bright CGC (end) We'll go no more a roving