Song from the movie "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs"
[Verse 1]
D G Bm A
As I was a walking down by the loch
G D Bm A
As I was a walking one morning of late
D G Bm A
Who should I spy but my own dear comrade?
D G Bm D
Wrapped up in flannel, so hard is his fate
[Verse 2]
D G Bm A
I boldly stepped up to and kindly did ask him
G D Bm A
Why are you wrapped up in flannel so white?
D G Bm A
My body is injured and sadly disordered
D G Bm D
All by a young woman, my own heart's delight
Oh had she but told me when she disordered me
D Bm A A
Had she but told me of it at the time
D G Bm A
I might have got salts or pills of white mercury
D G Bm D
But now I'm cut down in the height of my prime
[Verse 3]
D G Bm A
Get six pretty maidens to carry my coffin
G D Bm A
And six pretty maidens to bear up my pall
D G Bm A
And give to each of them bunches of roses
D G Bm A D
That they may not smell me as they go a-long