The Kooks es una banda de indie rock originaria de Brighton, Inglaterra. Su álbum de debut, "Inside in Inside Out", permaneció la mitad de 2006 en las listas británicas, vendiendo más de un millón de copias en el Reino Unido y alcanzando hasta tres veces el disco de platino. En 2008 publicaron su segundo album de estudio "Konk" el cual llegó al #1 en UK y recibió buenas criticas, Allmusic afirmó que "exploran el rock y el pop en toda su gloria".
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Jackie Big Tits Chords by The Kooks, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com
The Kooks Jackie Big Tits
Chords - Hello everybody this is my first tab so go easy on me!
Capo 5 - makes it a lot easier to play than the last tab!!! standard tuning EADGBe
Chords C = x32010 C/B = x20010 AM = x02210 G = 3x0033 E = 022100 F = 133211
Intro - CC/BAM - GFEG
Verse - CC/BAMGFG I'd like to say, that I was on your mind CC/BAMGFDM So I phone you at ten past three, in the afternoon CC/BAMGFG It's evening for you, and another bare hotel room CC/BAMGFG So hard to believe, that you're dreaming of me too FG But it's true
Chorus -
CC/BAM You only go around, round, round GFEDM You only go around, round, round GCC/BAM You only go around, round, round GFEDM You only go around, round, round
Verse - Play the same
And Amsterdam, I never knew you so well The stadium rings with laughter, at every turn At flying piano's of all things, to set your scene I'm such a nice man to you, but so obscene And it's true girl
Chorus - Play the same as previous chorus
You only go around, round, round You only go around, round, round You only go around, round, round You only go around, round, round
FGCC/BAM Jackie big tits, is hiding in the corner FGCC/BAM Respect is the word she shouts, as I implore her FGCC/BAM Speaks her mind not me, cause I was only speaking freely FGCC/BAM Interupt me once more, I'll take you to the cleaners
Chorus - Same as prev chorus
You can't push me around, round, round You can't push me around, round, round You only go around, round, round You only go around, round, round
Jackie big tits --------------- Any feedback e-mail me [email protected]