La formación original de la banda, entonces Easy Cure, nació en un colegio de Crawley, una ciudad construida sobre los escombros que dejó la guerra en un pequeño pueblo en el corazón de la campiña del sur de Inglaterra. Aunque Easy Cure había surgido como una banda de punk, para cuando simplificaron su nombre a The Cure, la creciente fascinación de Robert Smith por los temas oscuros y opresivos, ya se había unido a su habilidad para canalizar esas ideas en canciones apasionadamente evocadoras
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
This is my first tab, and I found another tab of this song, but i did'nt think it was so here you go, this sounds rightto me. It is the acoustic version of Signal to noise, and is pretty simple to play, cause it is just chords. Maybe later I will do the Solo and intro part, but this is what is most important for playing the song.
DA Nothing I do makes much sense EmGBm Say you don't really get me anymore EmCEmG I wonder if you ever did... if you ever did at all?
DA Nothing I want means a lot EmGBm Say you don't understand me like before EmCEmG I'm not sure if you ever did... if you ever did at all?
DA Nothing I think has a point EmGBm Say you don't quite believe me anymore EmCEmG I wonder if you ever did... if you ever did at all?
AG Gets hard to guess the best way through ABmEm The thing to do if none of this is true CEm I wish I knew how to undo G The doubt I hide inside A I grew in you...
Play the vers chords in the solo: DAEmG EmCEmG
The knot I hide inside I tied in you...
DA Nothing I am shows the way EmEmBm Say you don't seem to know me like before EmCEmG I'm not sure if you ever did... if you ever did at all?
DA No, Nothing I do makes much sense EmGBm Say you don't really get me anymore EmCEmG I wonder if you ever did... if you ever did at all?
AG Gets hard to guess the best way through ABmEm The thing to do if none of this is true CEm I wish I knew how to undo A The knot I tied in you... G When more or less the yes and no ABmEm Is all for show it isn't really so... CEm Look high and low where did we go? GAD6 You moved too fast or maybe I just moved too slow?
Long Break...
D6Em There's so much noise... GA All the signal seems to fade away EmC Too much noise... EmG Or could be this is how it always sounds AD6 With nothing left?