Sum 41 es una banda de Punk rock originaria de Ajax, Canadá. Sus miembros originales fueron Deryck Whibley, Jason McCaslin, Steve Jocz y Dave Baksh pero hoy en dia esta formada por Deryck Whibley, Jason McCaslin y Tom Tucker (que se hizo miembro oficial en 2011) ya que Dave (Ex Guitarrista Principal) dejo la banda en 2006 para empezar con su projecto "Brown Brigade" y actualmete "2013" dejo la banda Steve Jocz por el cansancio que le provocaban las giras hasta ahora andan sin baterista y por lo menos no se dijo nada de nuevo baterista en 2013.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Sum 41 Screaming Bloody Murder Screaming Bloody Murder 2011 Island Records Submitted by: [email protected]
Key: Eb
Tuning: Standard EADGBe
Chords used: Cm - x35543 G - 320033 Gm - 355333 G# - 466544 Eb - x68886 Bb - x13331 Fm - 133111 G/B - x2x003 G#m - 466444
Verse 1: Piano CmGG#Eb I'm not quite myself these days GmG# Guess we all come undone EbBb Time to time in different ways CmGG#Eb Well I have myself to blame GmG# Guess I don't understand EbGm(hold) I need help in many ways
Verse 2: CmG# God's got a plan for me Well I'm gonna Eb tell you one thing I don't got the GmG/BCm patientes or the time G#EbGmCmG#EbGm What can I say I'm no an-gel EbBbG#Gm I'm not forsa-ken G/B But I can bleed
Chorus 1: EbFmCm Tear me open I believe G#Eb God will set you up to bleed FmCm And no one can deceive G# What is meant to be and EbFm Bloody murder we will scream
Verse 3: CmG# Well I guess it's time for me Eb Tell me what I'm left to believe in Cause I don't know the GmG/BCm concept of the pain G#EbGmCm I don't want the faith GmEbG# I'll just lose it CmBbG#Gm I can prove it G/B Watch me bleed
Chorus 2: EbFmCm Tear me open I believe G#Eb God will set you up to bleed FmCm And no one can deceive G# What is meant to be and EbFmCm Bloody murder we will scream G# God will set you up to EbG/B Tear me open
Bridge: CmGmFmEbCmGm Cause I'm not gi-ving up EbBbEb Will self control G/B suffocate it to the bone? CmGmFmEbCmGm I'm my worst e--ne-my EbBbEb Who can't be save G#G/B I'm just his disgrace
Chorus 3: EbFmCm Tear me open I believe G#Eb God will set you up to bleed FmCm And no one can deceive G# What is meant to be and EbFmCm Bloody murder we will scream G# God will set you up to EbG/BCmG/BG#(hold) Tear me open
Outro: Piano CmGmG#Eb These days are strange it's true Gm There's not a thing G# that I would change EbGm(hold) No mistakes that I'd undo