Stacie Orrico is an R&B singer famous for her Christian hits. She has two albums
out, "Genuine" and "Stacie Orrico".
Artist: Stacie Orrico
Song Title: (There's Gotta Be) More to Life
Album: Stacie Orrico
Tabbed By: Stephanie
I can't believe there are no Tabs for Stacie Orrico!!! Well, here's one to start things off!
*** Done in Capo 1 ***
Intro: (x2)
Verse 1:
Em C D
I've got it all, but I feel so deprived
Em C D
I go up, I come down and I'm emptier inside
Em C D
Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missing
And why can't I let it go
Em C
There's gotta be more to life...
G D Em C D
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Em C
Cause the more that I'm...
G D Em
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
C D Em C
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more
Intro to verse 2: G (1 strum) D (1 strum)
Verse 2:
Em C D
I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly
Em C D
Here in this moment I'm half way out the door
Em C B
On to the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing
Chorus: (same as above until the end)
... there's gotta be...
B Em C
D B Em C D
I'm wanting mo-o-o-ore I'm always
B Em C D
waiting on something other than this
F D (strum 3x then stop)
Why am I feelin' like there's something I missed.....
*** Quickly Move up to Capo 2 during break ***
Em C G D (6x)
Finish with an Em
That's it! Pretty simple, and yet such a powerful message!
*~* Stephanie *~*
John 14:6