An Atlanta-based folksinger best known for his Top Ten hit "Lullaby," Shawn Mullins was serving as a member of the U.S. Army Airborne Infantry Division when he released his first self-titled cassette (issued on his own label, SM) in 1989.
Following the release of 1991's Everchanging World, he left the military after eight years to pursue music on a full-time basis. After three years spent fruitlessly searching for a record deal, Mullins established a new label, SMG, and released the LPs Better Days and Big Blue Sky in the interim.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Title: Lullaby Artist: Shawn Mullins Transcribed Nov. 14, 1998 by Vincent Sargenti - [email protected]
Shawn's Actual Chord Voicings: Like any performer, Shawn alternates between voicings of any given chord substituting open and alternate notes into his chords for coloration. Sometimes he plays G with a high G -(1st string, 3rd fret,) sometimes he voices it with an open E ringing. Etc etc. Same goes for B11 and C.
Variations on above chords; and for power chords during solo: {define C: base-fret 3 frets x 3 5 5 5 x} or {define C: base-fret 0 frets x 3 2 0 1 0} substitutions for Cadd9 {define D: base-fret 5 frets 0 5 7 7 7 x} or {define D: base-fret 0 frets x x 0 2 3 2} {define G: base-fret 3 frets 3 5 5 4 3 3}
GD/GB11Cadd9 :Play accented bass notes of chords on guitar with right hand muting across bridge.
Verse 1 :
Right hand muting integral throughout verses on most every chord.
(D/G) = this chord barely suggested in verses.
G (D/G) B11Cadd9 She grew up with the children of the stars G (D/G) B11Cadd9 In the holl y wood hills and the boulevard GD/GB11Cadd9 Her parents threw big parties everyone was there G (D/G) B11Cadd9 They hung out with folks like Dennis Hopper, & Bob Seeger, & Sonny and Cher
(Hit it hard! Strong root and 5th of chords: let upper notes ring.)
G ------------------ D/G --------------- B11 ---------------- Cadd9
[Verse 2]
(same as verse 1)
GD/GB11Cadd9 She feels safe now in this bar on fairfax GD/GB11Cadd9 And from the stage I can tell that she can't let go she can't relax GD/GB11Cadd9 And just before she hangs her head to cry, GD/GB11Cadd9 I sing to her. . . . a lulla-by
(Hit it hard! Strong root and 5th of chords:)
GD/GCadd9 (Stay on Cadd9) (I sing) Ev-ery----thing's gonna be all right
GD/GCadd9 Rockabye, Rock a bye
GD/GCadd9 Ev-ery----thing's gonna be all right
AC Tacit Rockabye, Rock a bye …. Rock a bye
[Verse 3]
(same as before)
She still lives with her mom outside the city Down that street about a half a mile And all her friends tell her she's so pretty But she'd be so much prettier if she smiled once in a while Cause even her smile looks like a frown She's seen her share on devils in this angel town
GD/GCadd9 (Stay on Cadd9) Ev-ery----thing's gonna be all right
GD/GCadd9 Rockabye, Rock a bye
GD/GCadd9 Ev-ery----thing's gonna be all right
AC Tacit Rockabye, Rock a bye …. Rock a bye
Guitar SOLO with power chord variation:
GDBC------ GDBC --------- AC AC------- D G
[Verse 4]
(same as before w/ variation on 4th line)
I told her I ain't so sure about this place
It's hard to play a gig in this town and keep a straight face
It seems like everybody's got a plan GD/GGGsus4 It's kind of like Nashville with a tan