London Grammar son un trío Inglés de art pop e indie pop formada por Hannah Reid, Dot Major y Dan Rothman. Su EP de debut Metal & Dust fue lanzado en febrero de 2013 por Metal & Dust Recordings Ltd. Su álbum debut If You Wait saldrá a la venta el 09 de septiembre 2013.
Vocalista Hannah Reid y el bajista Dan Rothman se conocieron en los pasillos de residencia ,durante su primer año en la Universidad de Nottingham en 2009. Rothman vio una foto de Reid en Facebook con una guitarra y le envió un mensaje para ver si quería tocar con el.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Am Excuse me for a while GD While I'm wide eyed and so damn caught in the middle Am I excused you for a while GD While I'm wide eyed and so damn caught in the middle AmGD And a lion a lion roars would you not listen AmGD If a child a child cries would you not give them
Chorus: C Yeah I might seem so strong G Yeah I might speak so long D I've never been so wrong C Yeah I might seem so strong G Yeah I might speak so long D I've never been so wrong
Am Excuse me for a while GD Turn a blind eye with a stare caught right in the middle Am Have you wondered for a while GD I have a feeling deep down you're caught in the middle CGD And a lion a lion roars would you not listen AmGD If a child a child cries would you not give them
Chorus: C Yeah I might seem so strong G Yeah I might speak so long D I've never been so wrong C Yeah I might seem so strong G Yeah I might speak so long D I've never been so wrong
Am Excuse me for a while GD While I'm wide eyed and so damn caught in the middle Am I excused you for a while GD While I'm wide eyed and so damn caught in the middle
Chorus: C Yeah I might seem so strong G Yeah I might speak so long D I've never been so wrong C Yeah I might seem so strong G Yeah I might speak so long D I've never been so wrong