Tweedy is an American rock band composed of Jeff Tweedy, from the group Wilco, and his son, Spencer. The duo has released one album, Sukierae, in 2014. Spencer Tweedy had played drums with his father on a previous record, Mavis Staples' One True Vine, where Jeff Tweedy produced. The elder Tweedy had planned Sukierae to be a solo record, but kept Spencer involved after playing together in early sessions of the album. The group's album name references Susie
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
C/GGCF Oh, I am sorry you won't recognize me EFE Born and bred to be led FGG7 and be dead by degrees
C/GGCF I'm taking a moment to express my regret EFG Before I forget how it goes
C/GGCF As fast as our blood can crackle with blame EFE The arrows of eyes FGG7 Defined our embrace too soon
C/GGCF And piercing the place where even the moon EFG Would never dream to shine
C/GGCF The deluge day-dreaming turned to pain EFE Blades of blood Rained beneath FGG7 Silk teeth
C/GGCF I barked like a cricket and flaked like a bone EFG Tricked and switched off in a heap
C/GGCF And buried myself so deep and so true EFE No one ever saw through FGG7 Thoroughly cruel and alone
Intro Chords Again CGCF EFG
C/GGCF Am I so sorry you don't recognize me EFE I am always the one FGG7 You lost to all tomorrows
C/GGCF Oh, look past your anger and please render me down EF In a hole in the ground EF Mixed with the earth EF Remember these words FGG7 And let me no longer be worth your sorrow