Travis es una banda escocesa de rock alternativo originaria de Glasgow, compuesta por Francis Healy, Andrew Dunlop, Dougie Payne y Neil Primrose. Travis ha sido galardonado dos veces con el premio al Álbum del Año en los Brit Awards, y a menudo se les da el crédito de ser la banda que preparó el camino para otras bandas británicas como Coldplay y Keane. El grupo ha lanzado seis álbumes de estudio, empezando con Good Feeling en 1997, The Man Who (1999)
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Em7Am7 Baby, you've been going so crazy, Em7 Lately, nothing seems to be going right. Am7 So low, why do you have to get so low? Em7 You're so, you've been waiting in the sun too long.
[Chorus1] GDAm7 But if you sing, sing, G Sing, sing, sing, sing. DAm7 For the love you bring won't mean a thing G Unless you sing, sing, sing, sing.
Em7Am7 Colder, crying over your shoulder Em7 Hold her. tell her everything's gonna be fine. Am7 Surely, you've been going too hurry, Em7 Hurry' `cause no one's gonna be stopped, now, now, now, now, now,
[Chorus2] GDAm7 But if you sing,_____ G Sing, sing, sing, sing. DAm7 For the love your bring won't mean a thing
Unless you sing, sing, sing, G Sing, sing, sing, sing.
[Link] |:GD |Am7 |Am7 |G :|
Em7Am7 Baby, there's something going on today Em7 But I say nothing, nothing, nothing, Am7Em7 Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing ___
[Chorus3] GDAm7 Now, now, now, now, now, but if you sing, sing, G Sing, sing, sing, sing. DAm7 For the love you bring won't mean a thing G Unless you sing, sing, sing, sing. GDAm7 Oh baby sing, sing, G Sing, sing, sing, sing. DAm7 For the love you bring won't mean a thing N/CG Unless you sing, sing, sing, siiinngggg.