Hijo de vicarios de la Iglesia de Inglaterra, Tom McRae creció en Chelmsford, cantando desde pequeño en el coro de su iglesia. Ya adolescente, no dudó en tomar prestada la guitarra de su madre para emular a sus héroes: Billy Bragg, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Neil Young, Kate Bush, y U2. Sin embargo pronto empezaría a escribir sus propias canciones y a desarrollar un estilo muy personal. A los 18 años inició estudios de política y gobierno en la London Guildhall University, ambiente en el que muy pronto empezó a formar bandas musicales.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
AmEm/B She comes to me in dreams, a train wreck beauty queen
AmEm/B But I don't remember her
AmEm/B On a wall of white and blue I wrote my name and thought of you
AmEm/B But you would not have known
AmEm/B Through the window of a car, a cigarette, a fallen star
AmEm/B A dream within a trail of sparks
AmEm/B And conversation turns to sleep, I wait for you to speak
AmE I'm waiting still
AmCEm/B This is for the restless, not the peaceful sleepers, this song's for you
AmCEm/B And for the faithless, not the true believers, this song's for you
And then the Verse and the Chorus are repeated... with different lyrics obviously. Then...
AmEm/B She comes to me in dreams, a train wreck beauty queen
AmEm/B Now I remember her
AmEm/B And everything your love will break you're running out of things to make you
E Feel alive, alive, alive, alive
Then it's the Chorus progression over and over again with a bit of singing until the end... work out the timing your good self. End on Am.
Any banter (though please none of the "I've got a long shot to play in this snooker game and I haven't got one of those things to make the shot bridgeable" sort) to [email protected]