Third Day es una banda de rock cristiano formada en Marietta, Georgia durante los años 90. Fundada por Mac Powell, vocalista de la banda y quien hace las veces de guitarrista. Sus demás miembros son: Tai Anderson en el bajo; David Carr en la batería; y Avery en la guitarra. El nombre de Third Day es una referencia directa a la Biblia donde menciona que Jesús resucito de entre los muertos al tercer día después de su crucifixión y muerte.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE--------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the# #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 17:19:26 EST From: Caedmon333 Subject: CRD: t/third_day/this_song_was_meant_for_you.crd
This Song Was Meant For You Artist: Third Day Album: Conspiracy No. 5 Copyright 1997 New Spring publishing ( A div. of Brentwood-Benson music publishing) words by Mac Powell Music by third day Contributed by [email protected]
CEm Where did I go wrong? FAmG Tell me what I have done here CEm It didn't take too long FAmG For the sun to disapear DF Now it's gone, and I'm alone
Chorus: CC7 This song was meant for you,
It had a happy ending FFm7 But you had to change your mind
I don't know what happened CC7 Thought that you would never leave
Is a song forever? FFm7 Life for you will surely change
Maybe for then better
bridge: G You never know what the future holds for you GC But of all I have heard this one thing's true Bb Nothing can seperate us from God's love G In our lives there is bound to come some pain GC Surely as there are storms and falling rain BbAD Just believe that the one who holds the storms can bring the sun
Then play the chorus, but there's a trick, transpose up 1 whole step,or, D-D7-G-Gm7