Hey guys, this is a brand new song by Kagu, a Melbourne based indie/ alternative group. Check out their stuff
at https://www.facebook.com/KaguMusic.
No Capo | Standard Tuning
FM7 x3321x
Dm xx0231
Am x02210
C 032010
FM7 FM7 Am Dm
Dm C FM7 FM7
Am Dm Dm C FM7
FM7 Am Dm Dm
[Verse I]
FM7 Am Dm
Our hands burn
To see if we can hold
FM7 Am Dm C
The taste of sunshine
FM7 Am Dm
Out to sea, no coming back
The waves within our arms
FM7 Am Dm C
And the wind will write our names
FM7 Am Dm
Born where you can name each star
We just gotta go, go, go, go, go
FM7 Am Dm
Escape these stars
C FM7 FM7 Am Dm Dm
You just gotta go, go, go, go, go
C FM7 FM7 Am Dm Dm
You just gotta go, go, go, go, go
FM7 Am
We can't bear it
Dm C
All the illusions
FM7 Am
Broken islands
Dm C
We're just flawed humans
[Verse II]
FM7 Am Dm
Our hands burn
To see if we can hold
FM7 Am Dm C
The taste of sunshine
FM7 Am Dm
If I said I saw me in your eyes
Would you let it go, go, go, go, go
FM7 Am Dm
That you're just shy
C FM7 FM7 Am Dm Dm
You just gotta go, go, go, go, go
C FM7 FM7 Am Dm Dm
You just gotta go, go, go, go, go
FM7 Am
We can't bear it
Dm C
All the illusions
FM7 Am
Broken islands
Dm C
We're just flawed humans
FM7 Am
We can't bear it
Dm C
All the illusions
FM7 Am
Broken islands
Dm C
We're just flawed humans
FM7 FM7 Am Dm
Dm C FM7 FM7
Am Dm Dm C