Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
FA# It happens every now and then DmA# I hear the words I need to hear Dm Coming from the tiny speakers A#F That I've shoved into my ears
Dm The crickets setting the tempo A# The wind dancing across my skin C Reminding me of conversations Summer nights when I stayed in
A#FC Back home before I moved FCA# Back home before I got here FA#AmDmGC Back home with the people who loved me my eighteen years F My heart is split CF Between home and here DmA# I'm cut in half GmC Two beds two lives and I live in between DmA#GmC My porch back at home and this strange new world I knit [PAUSE] My heart is split
A# As sudden as the onset of winter Dm As nat'ral as the trail mix they all eat A# This untamed and icy place I live F Has swept me off my size-five feet
Dm I read non-stop to quell the absence A# I drink too much I fall in love too fast C Obsessively collecting songs and details Nothing's gone but nothing's lasting
A#FC Back home before I moved FCA# Back home before I got here FA#AmDmGCF Back home with the people who loved me my eighteen years I'm split CF Between home and here DmA# I'm cut in half GmC Two beds two lives and I live in between DmA#GmA#C My porch back at home and this strange new world I knit [PAUSE] My heart is split
G My heart is split DG I'm home but I'm still here C I'm cut in half AmDEm Two beds two lives and I live in between CAmCD My home and this strange new world I knit My heart
Em My heart is split CEm It happens every now and then C I hear the words I need to hear Em Coming from the tiny speakers CG That I've shoved into my ears