Kate Nash (6 de Julio de 1987) es una cantautora de Harrow, Londres. Nash es hija de padre inglés, y madre irlandesa, y nació en Dublín. Ya desde muy joven se interesó por la música y el pop.
Antes de la música, probó con la actuación llegando a hacer una audición en la Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. Días después de que esa institución la rechazara, Nash cayó por unas escaleras y se rompió un pie. Durante su recuperación no podía moverse, por lo que aprovechó el tiempo para terminar viejas canciones y componer nuevas.
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
(slowly) CAm I'm heavy handed to say the least G my mother thinks I'll be an awful clutcher F cause I spill things from stiring them too quickly C I'm far too loud it's like Am as soon as I've got an opinion
it just has to come out G I laugh at stupid things F just 'cause they tickle me
double tempo same chords the whole song
And sometimes I wish sometimes I wish I was like Mariella she got some Prit STick and she glued her lips together so she never had to speak never had to speak never had to speak People used to say she's as quiet as a mouse she just doesn't make a peep
She marched to her wardrobe and she threw away the colour because wearing black looks mysterious but it didn't impress her mother She wanted to dress her baby in patters and flowers but Mariella just crossed her arms and so she cried for hours
Mariella Mariella my pretty baby girl unglue your lips from being together and and wear some pink and pearls You can have your friends 'round and they can stay for tea Won't you just try to fit in please do this for me
But Mariella just crossed her arms and she walked up the stairs and she went into her bedroom and she sat on her bed And she looked in the mirror and she thought to herself If I wanna play I can play with me if I wanna think I'll think in my head
At school Mariella didn't have many friends yeah the girls they all looked to her and they thought she was quite strange And the boy they're not really into girls at that age and the teachers they thought Mariella was just going through a phase
But Mariella just smiled and she skipped down the road because she knew all the secrets in her world Yeah she always got the crossword puzzle right everyday and she could do the alphabet backwards without making any mistakes
Mariella Mariella my pretty pretty girl Mariella Mariella happy in your own little world happy in your own little world
And she said
Yeah I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever yeah I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever yeah I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever gonna unglue my lips from being together
She said
I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever yeah I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever gonna unglue my lips from being together