Uno de los músicos más importantes de las décadas del 70 y 80, Gino Vannelli sigue aún vigente. Nacido en Montreal, Canada, en 1952, es un cantante dotado de un voz excepcional, además de compositor, arreglador, baterista, poeta y productor. Su estilo basado en el rithm´& blues, abarca tanto el jazz como el jazz-rock, el pop y el gospel. Fue uno de los precursores en el uso de sintetizadores en reemplazo de guitarras y bajos. Sus composiciones "People gotta move" y "I just wanna stop" lo catapultaron a la fama a fines de los 70.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Bbm9F/A Can't stand this silence anymore Abm9B/AbDb/AbD/AbBbm9 I'm dying Bbm9F/A The words no sooner leave my lips Abm9Gbm6Gbm7Gbm I'm out of your life with a beat in my heart Ab/EAbsus/E It was selfish it was cruel E9 Undeniabaly uncool Amaj13/E Am(maj13)/E Have your way with me Ab/EAbsus4/EE9 Slap me twice across the face once for a stolen embrace Ebm11 Once more for honesty
Dbmaj9Bbm9 They say the truth will set you free Amaj9Gb/AbF/Ab It's true for some, but not for me Dbmaj9F/Ab No sorry on earth, is sorry enough Amaj9D/EDb/EB/EBbmaj9 To win back the heart of a wo----ma-an crossed in love
Bbm9F/A Call me shameless i don't care
Abm9Db/AbD/AbBbm9 I-I-I-I- love you ooo ooo ooo ooo De-E-eh F/A ----sperate measures for desperate times
Abm9Gbm6Gbm7Gbm So much for a sway of a kiss Ab/EAbsus4/EE9 so darling here i am, your ever darling man Amaj13/E Am(maj13)/E In this darkest hour Ab/EAbsus/EE9 Had i known it meant goodbye I would have sooner lived a lie Ebm11 Than without you girl E/DDCmaj7+5D/Ab whoa whoa whoa whoa Dbmaj9Bbm9 They say the truth will set you free Amaj9Gb/AbF/Ab It's true for some, but not for me Dbmaj9F/Ab No sorry on earth, is sorry enough Amaj9D/EDb/EB/EBbmaj9 To win back the heart of a wo----ma-an crossed in love Classical guitar: Bm9Gb/Bb 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Am9Gm6Gm7Gm 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 so it's A/FAsus4/FF7 over just like that----pack your coat and your hat Bbmaj13/F Bbm(maj13)/F End of story A/FAsus4/FF9Em11 before i fade away hear me when i say I'm so so---rrry F/EbEbDbmaj7+5/AEb/A whoa whoa whoa whoa Dmaj9Bm9 They say the truth will set you free Bbmaj9G/AGb/A It's true for some, but not for me Dmaj9Gb/A No sorry on earth, is sorry enough Bbmaj9Gb/AF/AEb/A To win back the heart of a woma-an crossed in Dmaj7Bm9 Lahh--ah -ah -ahhve Bbmaj9G/AGb/A Woa oh ohah ah ah ahhhhh ah ah ahhh Dmaj9Gb/A No sorry on earth is sorry enough Bbmaj9G/AGb/A To win back the heart of a woman crossed in love Dmaj9Bm9 They say the truth will set you free Bbmaj9G/AGb/A It's true for some but not for me Dmaj9Gb/A No sorry on earth is sorry enough Bbmaj9G/AGb/A To win back the heart of a woman crossed in love Dmaj9Bm9 They say the truth will set you free. ............fade