En su infancia, Mellencamp sufrió una serie de contratiempos, incluyendo una larga hospitalización por un trastorno llamado espina bífida. Pronto surgió la rebeldía; carácter difícil, borracheras, peleas, y problemas con las autoridades. Reunió su primer grupo a los 14. A los 17 se fugó con Pricilla Esterlina, su novia embarazada y buscó trabajos ordinarios; a los 24 se mudó a Nueva York para intentar entrar en el negocio discográfico
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
CGFG Well I was born in a smalltown CGFG and I live in a smalltown CGAm Pro'bly die in a smalltown DmG Oh those small communities
CGFG All my friends are so small town CGFG My parents live in the same small town CGAm My job is so small town DmG Provides little opportunity
CGFG Educated in a small town CGFG Taught the fear of Jesus in a small town CGAm Used to daydream in that small town DmG Another boring romantic that's me
CGFG But I've seen it all in a small town CGFG Had myself a ball in a small town CGAm Married an L A doll and brought her to this small town DmG Now she's small town just like me
BRIDGE: FCFC No I cannot forget from where it is that I come from FCG I cannot forget the people who love me FCFC Yeah I can be myself here in this small town FCG And people let me be just what I wanna be
Instrumental: Am |AmG|C |FC | Am |AmG|C |G | Am |AmG|C |FC | G |G |
Finger picking lightly for bars C
Very lightly thru last verses CGFG Got nothing against a big town CGFG Still hayseed enough to say look who's in the big town CGAm But my bed is in a small town DmG Oh and that's good enough for me
CGFG Well I was born in a small town CGFG And I can breathe in a small town CGAm Gonna die in this small town DmG And that's prob'ly where they'll bury me