Gsus2=(3 x x x 3 3)
Cadd9=(x 3 2 x 3 3)
Em7=(x x 2 x 3 3)
Dsus4=(x x 0 2 3 3)
G=(3 2 x x 3 3)
Am7=(x x x 2 1 3)
All That I Can Do Capo 3
Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9
[Verse 1]
Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9
I ran around the room again, I ran outside and ran back in
Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9
And I just couldn't get away from myself
Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9
I don't care what tomorrow brings, I won't back down for anything
Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9
I want to think that I was made for something else
Em7 Dsus4 Cadd9 G
I can't wait anymore, I'm ready to reach,
Em7 Dsus4 Cadd9
So I'm closing the door behind me
G Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4 G
All that I can do is hold onto you
Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4
And follow where you lead, where you're leading me
G Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4 Am7
All that I can do is hold onto you
Dsus4 Cadd9 D Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9
And let you bring me through, It's all that I can do
[Verse 2]
Gsus2 Cadd9
There are days I think I don't need you
Gsus2 Cadd9
There are days when I can't see the truth
Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9
I need you to save me from the lies
Gsus2 Cadd9
Because every thought that's in my head
Gsus2 Cadd9
And even when I draw my next breath
Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9
You knew it all before there was time
Em7 Dsus4 Cadd9 G
I can't wait anymore, I'm ready to reach,
Em7 Dsus4 Cadd9
So I'm closing the door behind me
G Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4 G
All that I can do is hold onto you
Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4
And follow where you lead, where you're leading me
G Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4 Am7
All that I can do is hold onto you
Dsus4 Cadd9 D
And let you bring me through,
Em7 Dsus4 Cadd9 G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus4
When the waves begin to rise, and all my hope fails
Em7 Dsus4 Cadd9 G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus4 D
In confidence I'll close my eyes, trusting you'll be there, be there
G Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4 G
All that I can do is hold onto you
Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4
And follow where you lead, where you're leading me
G Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4 Am7
All that I can do is hold onto you
Dsus4 Cadd9 D
And let you bring me through, is all that I can do
G Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4 G
All that I can do is hold onto you
Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4
And follow where you lead, where you're leading me
G Am7 Cadd9 Dsus4 Am7
All that I can do is hold onto you
Dsus4 Cadd9 D Cadd9
And let you bring me through, is all that I can do
Dsus4 Cadd9 D Cadd9
And let you bring me through, is all that I can do
[Tag or Outro]
Dsus4 Cadd9 D Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9 Gsus2 Cadd9
And let you bring me through, is all that I can do Is all that I can do