Allister es un grupo pop punk de Chicago, Illinois. El cuarteto fue formado en 1996 y fueron una de las primeras bandas en firmar con Drive-Thru Records. Además de haber lanzado tres álbumes de estudio — 1999: Dead Ends and Girlfriends, 2002: Last Stop Suburbia, y en 2005: Before the Blackout — Allister hizo un Cameo en 2004 en la película Sleepover. En Marzo de 2010 anunciaron su regreso, esta vez, en la discografica Universal Japan. Al poco tiempo de anunciar su regreso
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Chords used: A - x02220 E - 022100 F#m - 244222 D - xx0232 C#m - x46654 Bm - x24432 Dm - xx0231 C# - x46664
Intro: A-C#m-D-E- x2
Verse: AC#mDE Take these promises I've AC#mDE made And hold them strong AC#mDE Don't think twice about AC#mDE those things that I did wrong
Refrain: C#m Cause I'd never do something DE intentionally just hurt you C#m And I've stared at the sky D and I've asked myself why E you've become like an angel to me
Chorus 1: A Still the days and the C#mD weeks and the hours go E by and the minutes D they just fade away A And I'm missing you C#mD every se--cond in time E And it hurts cause D you're so far away A All tears that I cry when C# you're not by my side D And those nights I dream AED of kissing you goodnight Dm(hold) A-C#m-D-E- x2 Are on my mind
(Repeat Verse) (Repeat Refrain)
Chorus 2: A Still the days and the C#mD weeks and the hours go E by and the minutes D they just fade away A And I'm missing you C#mD every se--cond in time E And it hurts cause D you're so far away A All tears that I cry when C# you're not by my side D And those nights I dream AEDDm(hold) of kissing you goodnight