Justin Drew Bieber Mallette (nacido el 1 de marzo de 1994 en Ontario, Canadá) es un cantante R&B y pop. También toca la trompeta, la guitarra, el piano y la batería. Con 12 años ya se presentaba a concursos de canto y pronto comenzó a subir videos a You tube donde se hizo muy famoso por hacer covers de canciones de artistas como Usher, Stevie Wonder, Ne-Yo, Justin Timberlake y Michael Jackson.
Scooter Braun, un ex ejecutivo de marketing de So So Def
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
GD across the ocean, across the sea EmC starting to forget the way you look at me now GD over the ocean and across the sky Em starting to forget C the way you look in my eyes GD for you i would walk
a thousand miles Em to be in your arms C holding my heart GD oh i, oh i Em i love you CG-D-C everything’s gonna be alright, i G-D-C be alright, i G-D-C be alright, i
G through your sorrow, D through the fights EmC dont you worry 'cause everything's gonna be alright
GD all alone in my room EmC waiting for your phone call to come soon GD and for you I would walk a thousand miles Em to be in your arms, C holding my heart
GD Oh I, Oh I... Em I love you CGDEmC Everything's gonna be alright, I GDEmC Be alright, I GDEmC Be alright, I...
Am you know that i care for you C i’ll always be there for you GEm promise i will stay right here Am i know that you want me too CD baby we can make it through anything
GGDAmC Cause everything's gonna be alright, I GDAmC Be alright, I GD Through the sorrow, through the fights GDAmC Everythings gonna be alright G Be alright...
Sorry if there are a few mistakes I did this really fast because I noticed the song hadn't been tabbed yet :)