Johnny Cash, nacido John Ray Cash (26 de febrero de 1932 - 12 de septiembre de 2003) fue un cantautor estadounidense de country, gospel, rock and roll y rockabilly. Fue uno de los máximos representantes de la música country, aunque creó su propio subgénero musical.
Cash fue conocido por su profunda voz, por el característico sonido boom-chick-a-boom de su banda de acompañamiento, los Tennessee Three y, por vestir ropa oscura, lo que le valió el apodo de «El Hombre de Negro» («The Man in Black»).
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
G Well, they're buildin the gallows outside my cell and I've got 25 D minutes to go. And the whole town's waitin just to hear me yell, I've got 24 G minutes to go. Well, they gave me some beans for my last meal with 23 minutes DG to go, but nobody asked me how I feel, I've got 22 minutes to go. Well, I D sent for the governor and the whole darn bunch with 21 minutes to go, and I G called up the mayor but he's out to lunch, I got 20 more minutes to go. D Then the sheriff said boy, I'm gonna watch you die with 19 minutes to go, so GE I laughed in his face and I spit in his eye with 18 minutes to go. Now here B comes the preacher for to save my soul with 13 minutes to go, and he's talkin E bout burnin but I'm so cold, 12 more minutes to go. Well, they're testin the B trap and it chills my spine, 11 more minutes go, and the trap and the rope, E they work just fine, 10 more minutes to go. Well, I'm waitin for the pardon B that'll set me free with 9 more minutes to go, but this ain't the movies, so EG forget about me, 8 more minutes to go. With my feet on the trap and my head D in the noose, 5 more minutes to go. Won't somebody come and cut me loose? 4 G more minutes to go. I can see the mountain I can see the sky, 3 more minutes DG to go, and it's too darn pretty for a man to die, 2 more minutes to go. I can D see the buzzards, I can hear the crows, 1 more minute to go, and now I'm