John Powell (Inglaterra, 18 de septiembre de 1963) es un compositor británico de música cinematográfica. De niño, Powell originalmente se formaba para violinista, antes de estudiar en el Trinity College of Music de Londres. Más tarde se aventuró en el jazz y la música rock, tocando en la banda de soul The Fabulistics. Después de abandonar la universidad, compuso música para comerciales, lo que lo llevó a trabajar como asistente del compositor Patrick Doyle en varias producciones cinematográficas
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
In case there's any confusion, the intro is the bit that Stoick whistles. The song starts off pretty slow and gradually picks up speed; by the key change it is quite fast.
AmGAm I'll swim and sail on savage seas GC With ne'er a fear of drowning AmGAm And gladly ride the waves of life GFAm If you will marry me
AmGAm No scorching sun, nor freezing cold GC Will stop me on my journey AmGAm If you will promise me your heart F And love-
FG And love me for eternity
AmGAm My dearest one, my darling dear GC Your mighty words astound me AmGAm But I've no need of mighty deeds GFAm When I feel your arms around me
AmGAm But I would bring you rings of gold GC I'd even sing you poetry AmGAm And I would keep you from all harm GFAm If you would stay beside me
AmGAm I have no use for rings of gold GC I care not for your poetry AmGAm I only want your hand to hold
GFAm I only want you near me
BmABm To love and kiss, to sweetly hold BmAD For the dancing and the dreaming BmABm Through all life's sorrows and delights AGBm I'll keep your love inside me
BmABm I'll swim and sail on savage seas BmAD With ne'er a fear of drowning BmABm And gladly ride the waves of life AGBm If you will marry me
This is an amazing song and I really hope it catches on. So do your part! Learn it! Play it! Put it on Youtube!