Jason Mraz lleva vendiendo discos desde 2002. Nació el 23 de junio de 1977, es cantautor y maneja un estilo muy variado. Pasa por el pop, rock, jazz, hip-hop, country, rap, etc. Se fue popularizando por la canción "I'm Yours" donde llego a ser numero #1 en varios países del mundo incluyendo el continente Americano.
Ha editado tres álbumes de estudio -Waiting for My Rocket to Come (2002), Mr. A-Z (2005) y We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things (salido el 13 de mayo de 2008)
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERYWHERE - Jason Mraz http://youtu.be/qUCkkpYcn_g -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~ Tabbed for ultimate-guitar.com by [email protected] ~ I'm not sure about the Dm. It might be a Dsus2. Both sound fine. ~ Jason uses the barre form of every chord in this song:
==VERSE== CAmG If I wasn't a ghost I couldn't walk into you CAmG If I wasn't the snow how could I fall for you? CAmG If I wasn't a songbird how could I call to you? CAmG If I wasn't a fly on the wall I wouldn't know all about you
==CHORUS== FGAm I'm everything and everywhere, can you see me in your own reflection? FG I'm deep within the molecules of the air that you breathe Dm ** And all the subatomic supersonic spaces in between FGAm I'm everywhere, I'm reaching out in every direction FGDsus2 I believe I'm in the water too 'cause you act just like you need me FAmG ** I'm everywhere
==VERSE== CAmG If I wasn't the fire how could you stoke me up inside? CAmG If I wasn't a party how could you be the life of me? CAmG If I wasn't a camera how could you be so photogenic? Yeah I said it CAmG ** If I wasn't the hands on the clock how could you know that the time was right, tonight?
==CHORUS== FGAm I'm everything and everywhere, can you see me in your own reflection? FG I'm deep within the molecules of the air that you breathe Dm ** And all the subatomic supersonic spaces in between FGAm I'm everywhere, I'm reaching out in every direction FGDsus2 I believe I'm in the water too 'cause you act just like you need me
==BRIDGE== FGAm I got a mind like a spy on a satellite checking you out C I'm like a fly with my infinite eyes FG I can see with all my senses and I'm coming to get you Dm ** I'm invisible, expendable and omnipresent
==CHORUS== FGAm I'm everywhere, can you see me in your own reflection? FG I'm deep within the molecules of the air that you breathe Dm ** And all the subatomic supersonic spaces in between FGAm I'm everywhere, I'm reaching out in every direction FGDsus2 I believe I'm in the water too 'cause you act just like you need me FGAmC I'm everywhere FGAmC I'm everywhere FGAmC I'm everywhere FGDm I'm everywhere