¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
FC7sus4FBbFC7 Hover o'er me Ho-ly Spir-it FC7FBbFC Bathe my trem-bling heart and brow FC7sus4FBbFC7 Fill me with Thy hal-low'd pres-ence FC7FC7F Come O come and fill me now
Refrain: CF Fill me now fill me now BbFC Jesus come and fill me now FC7sus4FBbFC7 Fill me with Thy hal-lowed pres-ence FC7FC7F Come O come and fill me now
Verse 2: FC7sus4FBbFC7 Thou canst fill me gra-cious Spir-it FC7FBbFC Tho I can-not tell Thee how FC7sus4FBbFC7 But I need Thee great-ly need Thee FC7FC7F Come O come and fill me now
Refrain: CF Fill me now fill me now BbFC Jesus come and fill me now FC7sus4FBbFC7 Fill me with Thy hal-lowed pres-ence FC7FC7F Come O come and fill me now
Verse 3: FC7sus4FBbFC7 I am weak-ness full of weak-ness FC7FBbFC At Thy sac-red feet I bow FC7sus4FBbFC7 Blest di-vine eter-nal Spir-it FC7FC7F Fill with pow'r and fill me now
Refrain: CF Fill me now fill me now BbFC Jesus come and fill me now FC7sus4FBbFC7 Fill me with Thy hal-lowed pres-ence FC7FC7F Come O come and fill me now
Verse 4: FC7sus4FBbFC7 Cleanse and com-fort bless and save me FC7FBbFC Bathe O bathe my heart and brow FC7sus4FBbFC7 Thou art com-forting and sav-ing FC7FC7F Thou are sweetly fill-ing now
Refrain: CF Fill me now fill me now BbFC Jesus come and fill me now FC7sus4FBbFC7 Fill me with Thy hal-lowed pres-ence FC7FC7F Come O come and fill me now