Goo Goo Dolls es una banda estadounidense de rock alternativo.
Se formó en 1985 en Buffalo, Nueva York, por el Guitarrista/vocalista Johnny Rzeznik y el Bajista/Vocalista Robby Takac.
La banda no tuvo ganancias y fama hasta el año de 1995 cuando uno de los locutores de radio en Estados Unidos escucho Name, canción del álbum A boy named goo, en la cual el locutor señaló que la cancion "era excelente". Desde entonces comenzaron a sonar en todas las radios del país[cita requerida]
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Ok, enough is enough.I have seen tabs for this song that are partially right. Well I'd say 90-95% right. The only problem is that every tab on here has been tabbed for 1 guitar, when in the real of it, there are 2 guitars. So here is the proper tab with both guitars. Or you could just play 1 your choice! Sorry if it's confusing, just e-mail me and ask about it! ( [email protected] )
Figure out the strum pattern on your own ! (sorry! to hard to tab that out, but it's easy to figure out!)
Guitar 1 : EADGBE (CAPO ON 1ST !) Guitar 2 : DADGDD (CAPO ON 1ST !)
Chords (gtr 1) E (022030) D (000230) C (032030) G (320030)
Chords (gtr 2) E (220000) D (057000) C (035000) G (550000)
EmD Could you whisper in my ear C The things you wanna feel G I'd give you anythin' To feel it comin' EmD Do you wake up on your own C And wonder where you are? G You live with all your faults
I won't say anything at all CG So why don't you slide C Yeah, I'm gonna let it slide
[Verse 2] (gtr 1&2)
EmD Don't you love the life you killed? C The priest is on the phone G Your father hit the wall Your ma disowned you EmD Don't supposed I'll ever know C What it means to be a man G It's somethin' I can't change I'll live around it
I wanna wake up where you are
I won't say anything at all CG So why don't you slide Ooh, slide
[Bridge] (gtr 1&2)
CG And I'll do anything CG You ever dreamed to be complete CGD Little pieces of the nothin that fall Em Oh, May D Put your arms around me C What you feel is what you are G And what you are is beautiful C Oh, May D Do you wanna get married C Or run away?
Then continue the C and G then it goes back to the intr riff again to a fade. So although it may seem confusing to some, others I am sure will get it. If you have any questions at all pertaining to the song, e-mail me at [email protected] and ill help ya out! Thanks!