Girls in Hawaii es un grupo originario de Bélgica de indie-rock, la cual está formada por Antonie Wielemans (Vocals, Guitar), Lionel Vacauwenberghe(Vocals, Guitar), Denis Wielemans (Drums), Brice Vacauwenbergh(Guitar), Daniel Offerma (Bass) y Cristophe Leonard (Guitar, Keyboard).
La banda empieza como un proyecto de Antonie Wielemans y Lionel Vacauwenberghe en donde grabaron 8 canciones en el 2000. En el 2001 invitan a sus respectivos hermanos
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
AmFC Found but in the ground AmF Big top and through head CAmF to that cloud it turned and turned around
C very high AmF through birds and variats CG tell me how AmF to stay in that C right and dry AmF I fear to lose her C Out of sight
DmG Say hello (we're today) AmF I'm never sure if I have to worry DmG all that time AmF I feel so calm and I think about an DmG eating ground AmF I'll swallow her and taste it slowly DmG through my noun And you'll die
AmFC Down it's falling down AmF in the waves C Fish and shell AmF So run smells CG what was that AmF Out of breathe C Look for life, To a porting game
DmG Say hello (we're today) AmF I'm never sure if I have to worry DmG all that time AmF I feel so calm and I think about an DmG eating ground AmF I'll swallow her and taste it slowly DmGAm through my noun