Steven Paul Smith (6 de agosto de 1969 – 21 de octubre de 2003), mejor conocido como Elliott Smith, fue un cantautor estadounidense de folk. Su instrumento primario fue la guitarra acústica, acompañada en otras canciones por bajo, batería y piano entre otros. Su voz era como un susurro, que en muchas canciones tenía un extraño efecto de doble voz. Vivió casi toda su vida en Portland, Oregon (Estados Unidos).
Antes de empezar su carrera en solitario, tocaba en la banda de rock Heatmiser, con la que llegó a sacar varios discos.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
When Elliott played this he put his capo on the 6th, that is because his guitar was a whole step down. So if you do not normally play Elliott Smith songs and don't keep your tuned down a whole step, capo it on the 4th. If you do play a lot of Elliott Smith and keep your guitar tuned down a whole step, capo at the 6th! For questions contact me at [email protected]
Capo 4
F#mD The king's crossing was the main attraction AEBm Dominoes are falling in a chain reaction F#mD The scraping subject ruled by fear AEBm Told me whiskey works better than beer F#mD The judge is on vinyl, decisions are final AEBm And nobody gets a reprieve F#mD And every wave is tidal AEBm If you hang around, you're going to get wet F#mDAEBm I can't prepare for death any more than I already have F#mD All you can do now is watch the shells AEBm The game looks easy, that's why it sells
AF#m Frustrated fireworks inside your head F#mD Are going to stand and deliver talk instead AF#m The method acting that pays my bills F#mD Keeps the fat man feeding in Beverly Hills AF#m I got a heavy metal mouth that hurls obscenity F#mD And I get my check from the trash treasury AF#m Because I took my own insides out
F#mD It don't matter 'cos I have no sex life AEBm And all I want to do now is inject my ex-wife F#mDAEBm I've seen the movie and I know what happens F#mD It's Christmas time and the needles on the tree AEBm A skinny Santa is bringing something to me F#mD His voice is overwhelming but his speech is slurred AEBm And I only understand every other word
AF#m Open your parachute and grab your gun F#mD Falling down like an omen, a setting sun AF#m Read the part and return at five F#mD It's a Hell of a role if you can keep it alive AF#m But I don't care if I fuck up, I'm going on a date F#mD With a rich white lady, ain't life great? AF#m Give me one good reason not to do it (Because we love you) F#mD So do it
F#mD This is the place where time reverses AEBm Dead men talk to all the pretty nurses F#mD Instruments shine on a silver tray AEA Don't let me get carried away AEA Don't let me get carried away AEBm Don't let me get carried away.