Eleventyseven es una banda de pop-punk y power pop cristiano de Laurens, California. La banda fue formada en el año 2002 y tiene tres albumes hasta la fecha, And the Land of Fake Believe (2006), Galactic Conquest (2007) y Adventures in Eville (2009). Sus dos primeros albumes fueron lanzados a traves de la discografica Flircker Records y su ultimo album es independiente. Tambien tienen cuatro singles que fueron populares en las radios cristianas.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
NOTE: I plan to TAB OUT this song, including the riffs in the bridge and intro, once I them firgured out more accurately. but for now, here's the chords if you wanna try this acoustic or something...I dunno
INTRO 1: plucking with the bar chords, light distortion
INTRO 2: Same progression but play the power chords and strum, heavy distortion
** Guitar 1 - It sounds like it's just the octaves over the power chords but I could be wrong.
VERSE: Guitar 2 - palm mute power chords, medium distortion Guitar 1 - plucking bar chords light dist, comes in halfway thru on *
DBmG We can take this road to nowhere in my '89
D And floor it through state lines [guitar 1 comes in]
DBm And we'll reach our destination
GD Wherever it might be as long as you don't leave
CHORUS: Guitars 1 and 2 playing power chords, heavy dist
BmGD 'Cause I don't ever wanna slow this down
BmGD [little octave riff] Everything I've ever wanted has been found
BmGDA We can drive into the future with our memories
BmGD Holding on to all that we believe
**towards end of second line, Guitar 1 plays this little octave riff:
e[-----------------------------] B[-----------------------------] G[-7-7-(x)--9-9-9-(x)---11--11-] * (before each octave change, mute it) * D[-x-x-(x)--x-x-x-(x)---x---x--] A[-5-5-(x)--7-7-7-(x)---9---9--] * (the x's mean mute,forgot 2 put up key)* E[-----------------------------]
BREAK: Guitar 1 - plucking the bar chords just like in intro and verse Guitar 2 - palm mutes power chords like in verse
D, Bm, G, D
VERSE 2: Same as verse one
We could throw away our cell phones And only answer calls coming from the stars And we could catch the drive in movie And let the hours pass 'cause nothing perfect can last
CHORUS 2: Same as first time
BRIDGE: Same as verses, but without singing (D, Bm, G, D)
1st time: Guitar 1 - plucks bar chords Guitar 2 - palm mutes power chords
2nd time: Guitar 1 - plays solo (I almost got it figured out, i'll tab soon) Guitar 2 - palm mutes still
* If you care, here's the rhythm for Guitar 2's parts in the bridge, break and verses: