Camera Obscura es un grupo indie de Glasgow, Escocia, formado en 1996 por Tracyanne Campbell, John Henderson, y Gavin Dunbar. En septiembre de 2005, la banda empezó a grabar su nuevo álbum que se llamaría "Let's Get Out of This Country", con el productor sueco Jari Haapalainen. Este álbum salió al mercado el 6 de junio de 2006. El primer single extraído del disco es un tributo a Lloyd Cole y se llama "Lloyd, I'm Ready to be Heartbroken". Miembros:
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
C I can't believe that I am writing this down and C I can't believe that I've got you in a song Dm I don't want to be a whining girl C Rather not be anyone
CDm I stole a magazine from the laundry mat C The posters in the back Dm they were breaking my back EmDm And all I wanted was a bench to rest my weary legs EmDm My silent heart agrees I have done my best
CDm I'll get my operation on the N. H. S CDm But will it cure my blushes will it bring out my past EmDm 'Cause someone said I was a woman pretending to be a girl EmDm And I will make no comments lest I hide myself
C This can't go on Dm And when is it going to stop EmDmC You casually walk back to your room tonight C Take the flight of stairs Dm Softly dim the light EmGC Fantasies about how happy you'd be with a girl tonight
CDmC I don't want to see you down CDmC I don't want to see you hanging around CDmC I don't want to see you down CDmC I don't want to see you hanging around