Bon Jovi es una banda estadounidense de Hard Rock que alcanzó la fama mundial gracias a los éxitos internacionales: "Livin' On A Prayer", "You Give Love A Bad Name", "Bad Medicine" y "I'll Be There For You", a mediados de los 80's; Fue formada en New Jersey, en 1983 por Jon Bon Jovi (su verdadero nombre es John Francis Bongiovi). Con Richie Sambora en la guitarra, David Bryan en los teclados, Tico Torres (Hector Torres) como bateria y Alec John Such como bajista (sustituido en 1995 por Hugh McDonald)
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
This is a pretty simple song. I usually play using a blues style; alternating between the base note and its 5th and 6th note. With the exception of the 3rd verse (which I labled as the chorus) and the solo and outro
E Well I got up this morning I rolled out of bed A I felt like a dog who's been kicked in the head B Checked out my mail there was letter that read it said A Love for sale, love for sale
E I picked up the phone I called everyone I could A I let my fingers do the walking through the telephone book B You can't catch a fish if you ain't got the hook A Love for sale, love for sale
B Send up a signal throw me a line E Somebody explain this funny Valentine A It might not be legal but it sure ain't a crime B Bein step from crazy and two steps behind
E I called Lt. Columbo from my TV set A I've tried the Dating Game I haven't found her yet B I'm hoping that she's looking like a Penthouse Pet A Love for sale, love for sale
[Solo] B, E, A, B (2X)
E We've been living together 3 years, A 2 hours, 20 minutes maybe four houndred beers who says B You can't shop for love when you're shopping at, Sears A Love for sale, love for sale
E I guess I've learnt my lesson it was easy to see A My old lady she played this joke on me B I never looked where I forgot it would be there was A Love for sale, love for sale
(Outro): Repeats E, A, B, A till the end
Thanks y'all! Comments, Questions, and Corrections are greatly appreciated!