Travis es una banda escocesa de rock alternativo originaria de Glasgow, compuesta por Francis Healy, Andrew Dunlop, Dougie Payne y Neil Primrose. Travis ha sido galardonado dos veces con el premio al Álbum del Año en los Brit Awards, y a menudo se les da el crédito de ser la banda que preparó el camino para otras bandas británicas como Coldplay y Keane. El grupo ha lanzado seis álbumes de estudio, empezando con Good Feeling en 1997, The Man Who (1999)
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
From the album "Good Feeling". Lyrics by: Fran Healy
Tabbed by Peter Reilly
Capo 2nd fret
Chords used: G (320033) Am (002210) Asus2 (002200) D (000232) Cadd9 (032030) G/B (020033) Am7 (002010) D7sus4 (000213) Dsus/A (000233) D7 (000212) Dsus2 (000230)
GAmAsus2AmG GAmAsus2AmDCadd9G/BDsus4/A
Verse 1
GAmAsus2 You were on my mind inside the cinema Am You looked so beautiful DCadd9G/BDsus4/A I almost had to go GAmAsus2 When I got outside, I thought of you again Am I think you should be framed DCadd9G/BDsus4/A In some fine art gallery Am7DCadd9 I know you'd disagree with me G/BDsus4/A But I love you anyways
Link 1
Verse 2
GAmAsus2 And should I climb high my dreary city walls Am They make me feel so small DCadd9G/BDsus4/A Oh let me fade away GAmAsus2 This city's so cold and old, forever rain or snow Am I'd really love to come and go DCadd9G/BDsus4/A Oh won't you go stay with me? Am7D7D7sus4D7 D7sus2 D7 I know you'd disagree with me Am7DCadd9 I just know you'd disagree G/BDsus4/A But I love you anyways
Link 2
GAmAsus2AmG GAmAsus2AmDCadd9G/BDsus4G
3rd verse
GAmAsus2 You were on my mind inside the cinema Am You looked so beautiful DCadd9G/BDsus4/A I almost dried an eye GAm And when I got outside I caught the 44
It dropped me outside my front door DCadd9G/BDsus4 Forgot what I'd been living for DCadd9G/BDsus4/A Hey DCadd9G/BDsus4/A Hey DCadd9G/BDsus4/A Hey DCadd9G/BDsus4/A Oh