Tim Hughes (23 de julho de 1978) é um cantor cristão, líder de adoração e compositor atuando atualmente na igreja Anglicana Holy Trinity Brompton em Londres como Diretor de Adoração. Filho de um vigário anglicano, ele cresceu em High Wycombe, depois se mudou para Birmingham. Quando adolescente seu pai foi designado vigário da Igreja de St John, em Harborne. Em 1997, com 19 anos, Hughes foi questionado por Mike Pilavachi a conduzir a adoração nos festivais de Soul Survivor.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Hey guys! This tab is 100% correct! What I have done is transposed it into capo 2 becuase the original chords (chords without the capo on) are quite hard at times! So if you have a capo then use it and play the chords that are not in the brackets, if you don't have a capo then bad luck but u'll have to play the chords in the brackets Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions on [email protected]! Enjoy!
Capo 2
Verse 1: Em(F#m) Bigger than the air I breathe Am7(Bm7) Deeper than the ocean deep C(Dmaj7) Am7(Bm7) Higher than the stars above You are.
Em(F#m) Brighter than the blazing sun Am7(Bm7) Louder than the screaming crowd C(Dmaj7) Am7(Bm7) Stronger than the power of death You are.
Chorus: G(A) D/F#(E(add4)/B) In the heavens on the earth C(Dmaj7) There is no-one like You God G/B(A/C#) D/F#(E(add4)/B) And these words are not enough G(A) To tell of who You are D/F#(E(add4)/B) Who can know the mind of God? C(Dmaj7) Who can understand Your ways? D(Esus) And these words are not enough Em(F#m) A/C# (D#m7(B5)/F#) To tell of Your great name.
Verse 2:
Your love can melt the hardest heart Your words can bring the dead to life Nothing is impossible for You
Awesome God, Humble King You terrify yet welcome in Your glory echoes all around the world
Bridge: (I couldn't transpose the whole bridge, sorry. I'll work on it and update this tab soon when I get those last chords down!)
Em(F#m) B/D# (un-transposed) You, You, You Em(F#m) B/D# (un-transposed) There's always You, You, You C(Dmaj7) Take the world B/D# (un-transposed) But give me You C#/E# Esus (both un-transposed) Lord Jesus You Em(F#m) All I want is You