The Asteroids Galaxy Tour es un grupo danés de música alternativa compuesto por Mette Lindberg, Lars Iversen, Miloud Carl Sabri, Sven Meinilid, Mads Brinch Nielsen y Jasper Einegaard. Su single de debut, "The Sun Ain't Shining No More", fue sacado a la venta el 15 de septiembre de 2008. El grupo se ha hecho famoso, sin embargo, por su canción "Around the Bend", usada en un anuncio del iPod Touch de Apple. Las dos canciones fueron incluidas en un EP que se lanzó en Noviembre.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Verse: EmEmBmA The sky is blue the end is near EmEmBmA A wave of heat is running clear EmEmBmA Walk this way come on inside EmEmBmA Houses chill stay a while
Verse: EmEmBmA Your my one who make me laugh EmEmBmA Making out in the aftermath EmEmBmA Coolin' down the sun for me EmEmBmA Coolin' down to set me free
Chorus: Gm Ohhhh DAmDAm Good times roll we're here to stay DAmDAm We hide away on a sunny day DAmDAm Bad times come but we're not there DAmDGm We're in the shade sayin' we don't care DAmDAm We don't care DAmDAm We don't care DAmDAm We don't care DAmDGm
Verse: Boy it's good we end it here No more sweat there's no more fear Escape the heat, escape the meat Gaga folk surrounding me
Verse: Stay inside or stay in bed You call it lazy but we're not dead Coolin' down the sun for me Coolin' down to set me free
Chorus: Ohhhh Good times roll we're here to stay We hide away on a sunny day Bad times come but we're not there We're in the shade sayin' we don't care We don't care We don't care We don't care
Note: If you have any corrections or improvements to the tab write them on the comments section, or send me a message, or e-mail, so we can together make this tab even better.