Leonard Cohen (21 Septiembre 1934 – 7 Noviembre 2016) nació en una familia judía de clase media de ascendencia polaca en Montreal y creció en Westmount. Su padre, Nathan Cohen, era propietario de una tienda de corte y confección y falleció cuando el joven poeta contaba nueve años. Según la tradición familiar, los Cohen descienden de los Kohanim. "Fui querido como un mesías", contó Cohen a Richard Golstein en 1967, "y se me decía que descendía de Aarón".
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
AmCEAm When they poured across the border AmCEAm I was cautioned to surrender AmCG this I could not do FCAmCE I took my gun and vanished
I have changed my name so often I've lost my wife and children but I have many friends and some of them are with me
An old woman gave us shelter kept us hidden in the garret then the soldiers came she died without a whisper
There were three of us this morning I'm the only one this evening but I must go on the frontiers are my prison
Oh the wind the wind is blowing through the graves the wind is blowing freedom soon will come then we'll come from the shadows
Les Allemands étaient chez moi The Germans were at my home ils m'ont dit Résigne-toi They said Surrender mais je n'ai pas pu this I could not do j'ai repris mon arme I took my weapon again
J'ai changé cent fois de nom I have changed names a hundred times j'ai perdu femme et enfants I have lost wife and children mais j'ai tant d'amis But I have so many friends j'ai la France entière I have all of France
Un vieil homme dans un grenier An old man in an attic pour la nuit nous a cachés Hid us for the night les Allemands l'ont pris The Germans captured him il est mort sans surprise He died without surprise
Oh the wind the wind is blowing through the graves the wind is blowing freedom soon will come then we'll come from the shadows