Lyle Lovett nacio el dia 1 de Noviembre de 1957. Hijo de un ejecutivo de marketing y de una entrenadora deportiva, se educó en la universidad A&M de Texas, donde estudió periodismo y lengua alemana. Su carrera en la música comenzó como compositor, y en 1986 firmó con MCA Records para grabar su primer álbum homónimo 'Lyle Lovett'. Aunque normalmente asociado al género country, sus composiciones incorporan a menudo elementos del folk, swing, blues, jazz y gospel, así como el más puro y tradicional country & western.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
VERSE 1 B7 Honey bring me the paper E9 And pour me a beer B7 And turn on the TV D9 And sweep up over here B7 You tell me you love me F9+ E9+ To put off my blues B7D9 But what do you do E9 When it quits being new
VERSE 2: Now you be home for supper And don't slam that door And you better be a sober man Or I'll give you what for You tell me you love me To put off my blues But what do you do When it quits being new
CHORUS: D9B7 We used to not worry about nothing D9B7 We used to would laugh and play D9B7 But now when we look at each other C#7F9E9 We never have nothing to say
Except for you know well she says You could take me to dinner And you could buy me some clothes If you make all that money man Make damn sure it shows You could tell me you love me To put off my blues But what do you do When it quits being new
And he says you could put on some makeup And you could pile up your hair And at least try to do something With what you've got there You could tell me you love me To put off my blues But what do you do Say what do you do
When it What do you do when it Say what do you do when it
Say well Hi there What's your My name is And my wife is at the PT and I had to You know we could I buy you Is that a Scotch and so a What will it be Your place Or a place to
Say man What do you think you See I'm not that kind of Affair is fair And right is Right around the corner Just a block or So you know come morning You'll have to leave Everything to me
What do you do Say what do you do And that's the glory of And that's the story of What do you do