Jack Hody Johnson (Oahu, Hawaii, EE. UU. - 18 de mayo de 1975), conocido como Jack Johnson, es un músico estadounidense. El éxito comercial le llegó tras publicar su primer álbum Brushfire Fairytales.
Ha pasado de ser un cineasta que hacía películas de surf de 16 mm, a ser un reconocido cantante y compositor. Tras pasar la mayor parte de 2003 en la carretera apoyando su disco On and On, aminoró un poco la marcha en 2004 para darle la bienvenida a su recién nacido bebé
Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
Not 100% accurate but it seems to complement the album version pretty well!
CAm Some will say GF This place is wrong CAm These hands are fast GF This face is long
CGF Just stop upsetting yourself GC Upsetting your thoughts GF Upsetting this world GC That you're standing on
CAm These plans are torn GF These feet are cold CAm This shield is worn GF This peace was stolen
CGF Stop upsetting yourself GC Upsetting your thoughts GF Upsetting this world GF That you're standing on GC These problems they breathe F Their fire is real GC The coins that they keep F You cannot steal GC Even when you're asleep F They'll be here still GAm Breathing out or in
CAm Some will say this place is gone G These roads are steep F And much too long C These plans are cheap Am My feet are cold G Cut the knot F These coins are golden CAm Some will say this place is gone G These roads are steep F And much too long C These plans are cheap Am My feet are cold G Cut the knot F These coins are golden
CGF Stop upsetting yourself GC Upsetting your thoughts GF Upsetting this world GF That you're standing on GC These problems they breathe F Their fire is real GC The coins that they keep F You cannot steal GC Even when you're asleep F They'll be here still GC Breathing out or in