Harry Nilsson (1941 - 1994) fue un músico y cantante norteamericano ganador de dos premios Grammy. Sus canciones más conocidas fueron "Without You", "One is the loneliest number" y "Everybody's Talkin'". De joven recibió la influencia del rhythm and blues de artistas como Ray Charles y los Everly Brothers.
En 1964, Nilsson trabajó con Phil Spector, escribiendo tres canciones para él.
En 1971 obtuvo su mayor éxito con "Without You", canción original del grupo Badfinger
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
CFCF Driving along, you can see all the people CFCF Who seem to have nothing to say to each other. DGCFC Each day they go farther and farther away from each other.
Driving along, you can spot all the problems On faces so tired, facing each other. Each day they grow farther and farther away from each other.
BbD#BbD# Driving along at fifty seven thousand miles an hour. BbD#BbD# Look at those people standing on the petals of a flower. G Look at those petals pumping for a little bit of power. GCGFCF Ow-wow-ow-wow. Ow-wow-ow-wow.
Verse 2
CFCF They seem to say nothing, they seem to go nowhere, They seem to go farther, they seem to go nowhere, They seem to go farther, they seem to go nowhere, They seem to go farther, and farther and farther And farther and farther and farther and farther And farther and farther and farther and farther And farther away from each other.