Uno de los músicos más importantes de las décadas del 70 y 80, Gino Vannelli sigue aún vigente. Nacido en Montreal, Canada, en 1952, es un cantante dotado de un voz excepcional, además de compositor, arreglador, baterista, poeta y productor. Su estilo basado en el rithm´& blues, abarca tanto el jazz como el jazz-rock, el pop y el gospel. Fue uno de los precursores en el uso de sintetizadores en reemplazo de guitarras y bajos. Sus composiciones "People gotta move" y "I just wanna stop" lo catapultaron a la fama a fines de los 70.
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
AbmBbmB6Bbm Well, you can wear those pajamas like those tibetan llamas all AbmBbmB6Bbm day AbmBbmB6BbmAbmBbm You can be the ascetic profound and prophetic in most every B6Cm6 way Dbm7 Dbm+5 Dbm6 Dbm+5 Abm6 You can model your life after christ or suffice with Simon Abm7Abm(maj7) Peter Dbm7 Dbm+5 Dbm6 Eb7+9+5 You can bathe in holy water bow to gideon or Gautama AbmAbm/GbGbm7Fm7-5 Or the pyramids of giza Em7 A13-5 Ebm7Bsus4/Ab You can wear your frock, your collar, or your shawl B/AA/GAbm But there's a little bit of judas in us BbmB6BbmAbmBbmB6/9Bbm All in us all
Abm7Bbm You can keep your conscience swept clean B6/9Bbm Your front lawn looking green Abm7BbmB6/9 It's a keen neighborhood AbmBbm You visit your sick mother weekly B6/9Bbm7-5Abm7BbmB6Cm6 Spring for charity freely like a moral man should Dbm7 Dbm+5 Dbm6 Dbm+5 You brought two children in' the world a little boy, a little girl Abm6Abm7Abm(maj7) D9+11 You dutifully clothe and you feed them Dbm7 Dbm+5 Ou come straight home to your wife Dbm6 Eb7+9+5 You want no trouble in your life AbmAbm/GbGbm7Fm7-5 You swear you'll never cheat on them Em7 A9+11 Ebm7Bsus4/Ab Now suddenly you're feeling so small B/AA/G 'cause there's a little bit of judas AbmBbmBBbmAbmBbmB6 In us all ya ya ya yaaa
Dbm7 Dbm+5 Well, excuse my digression Dbm6Db+5Abm6Abm7Abm(maj7) But I had the distinct impression she loved me so Dbm7 Dbm+5 So as not to try her conscience Dbm6 Eb7+9+5 AbmAbm/GbGbm7Fm7-5 She handed me a crock of nonsense while she bled me slow Em7 A9+11 Ebm7Bsus4/Ab Now her picture hangs on the wall to remind me B/AA/G There's a little bit of judas
|AbmBbm |B6Bbm |AbmBbm |B6Bbm | In us all In us all |Abm7Bbm7 |B6Bbm7 | A little Judas a little Judas |Abm7Bbm7 |B6Bbm7 |
|Abm7Bbm7 |B6Bbm7 | A little Judas a little Judas in us |Abm7Bbm7 |B6Bbm7 | all in us |Abm7Bbm7 |B6Bbm7 | all in us |Abm7Bbm7 |B6Bbm7 | all whoa oh oh oh ooh |Db7Badd9 |Bb6 |Abm11... . . . . . .