Eisley is an pop/rock band from Tyler, Texas, United States. Eisley originally consisted of four siblings: Sherri DuPree-Bemis, Stacy King (nee Dupree), Chauntelle D’Agostino (nee Dupree), and Weston DuPree -- and their cousin, Garron DuPree. Stacy, Chauntelle, and Weston left the band in 2015, leaving the band as a duo of Sherri and Garron augmented by hired professionals.
The band began as an after-church endeavor when the DuPrees were young.
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
VERSE 1: Em Something's growing under that wing Em/F#Em/G I think a face is dawning -- oh no the books are growing faces Em And you're lost quite classically Em/F#Em/G With your nose in a book... and it seems so fitting... and
PRECHORUS: FF#dimDm/ADm/F perhaps this is the end we've sought after for so long Dm7/EDm7/C And perhaps now it's done
CHORUS: C Cause we've found all entire dreams of Dm men and machines and turned them all around our AmGEmG Identical hands AmGEmC Composing our commands
VERSE 2: Em I cut the moon in half Em/F#Em/G And stuck a piece through my hair -- it made the back of my head glow Em Golden yellow and then I took Em/F#Em/G Ten stars on sticks and placed them in my small metal FF#dimDm/ADm/F Bucket and I gave the other half of the moon to you Dm7/EDm7/C Ooh, so you wouldn't forget me while I'm gone
CHORUS: C Cause we've found all entire dreams of Dm men and machines and turned them all around our to C Enjoy them and benefit ourselves Dm Our paperback books, our charming looks AmGEmG Identical hands AmGEmC Composing our commands
BRIDGE: Am And oh my love C We can live on the sun Am And wouldn't we be attractive F Riding in our shiny motor cars F#dim With eyeglasses full of stars FF#dimD7 And plenty of paper for scenery paintings
CHORUS: C 'Cause we found all entire dreams of Dm men and machines and turned them all around to C Enjoy them and benefit ourselves Dm Our paperback books, our charming looks (our) AmGEmG Identical hands AmGEmC Composing our commands