This jazz/blue song is dominated by the really catchy bass line
and echo effect on the vocal, but the chords are quite straight forward.
Intro Cm
Oohh you rubbed me up the wrong way (echos: wrong way x3)
Oohh it was something that you didn't say (echos: didn't say x3)
Gotta get it back gotta get it back gotta get it ba-ack
Or we might just regret it
Ab Eb Bb
We seem to have a knack for mis-com-muni-ica-tio-on
Eb Bb/D Bbm
It stabbed us in the back this ti-ime
Fm Eb Bb Bb (ring)
Is this the end of the line
'cause that'd be a crime
C Ab
Now I sit under an angry-y cloud
F Db
What got ho-old of me
C Ab
There's a voice that sounds too loud
F Db
It bangs on en-ndless-ly
C Ab F Ab
Wanna live in anothe-er world with no frustra-a-a-tions
(No bass and guitar chords until '-ca-' in 'miscommunication')
(The following is the chords for backup harmony and organ before '-ca-').
Db Cm Bb Cm
And mis-com-mu-un-i-ca-tion
Intro bass riff, Cm
Oohh why'd we have to try hard (echos: try hard x3)
Oohh you got under my ra-a-dar (echos: ra-a-dar x3)
Wanna be detached wanna be detached wanna be detached
So I can just for-get it
Ab Eb Bb
We seem to have a knack for mis-com-muni-ica-tio-on
Eb Bb/D Bbm
It stabbed us in the back this ti-ime
Fm Eb Bb Bb (ring)
Is this the end of the line
'cause that'd be a crime
C Ab
Now I sit under an angry-y cloud
F Db
What got ho-old of me
C Ab
There's a voice that sounds too loud
F Db
It bangs on en-ndless-ly
C Ab F Ab
Wanna live in anothe-er world with no frustra-a-a-tions
(No bass and guitar chords until '-ca-' in 'miscommunication')
(The following is the chords for backup harmony and organ before '-ca-').
Db Cm Bb Cm
And mis-com-mu-un-i-ca-tion
Intro riff, guitar chord: Cm for all of the following backup harmony.
Chords below are for the harmony only.
Cm7 Cm7/G F/A F
When we are (Trans-at- lan- tic)
Cm7 Cm7/Eb F F/D
He knows it (Drives me fran-tic)
Cm7 Cm7/G F/A F
So I ask myself what's the fu- ture
Cm7 Cm7/Eb F F/D
Why get a (New com- pu-ter)
Delay/layer effect
Oohhx4 to form the chord Bb (ring towards the end)
Oohh it was something that you didn't say?
A bass tab will be much appreciated.