BRIGHT BLUE - Daniela Andrade
Tabbed by: Ndermawan
E-mail: ndermawan@yahoo.com
Capo 4
All chords relative to capo (so capo = 0)
Daniela's Links
iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/daniela-andrade/id434670871
Webshop : http://shop.danielaandrade.com/
Reference : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpOu6jK5BXo
She pretty much lists the chords on the video, so not much figuring out to do,
just representing it in a standard format!
Chords used:
A D#m7b5 Bm6 Aadd11
- D#m7b5 written as D#m to read easier
- Aadd11 chord is a transition chord you can hear in the song after the 2nd A chord
she goes to the Aadd11 after a few strums of A then hammers 2nd fret on D to get back
to the A chord
Strumming pattern for me is:
D-D--U-D-U - with the first *down* strum really just the bass note of the chord
A D#m Bm6 A (Aadd11) A
A D#m
Seasons know so well
Bm6 A
that we're holding on to past and present selves
A D#m
Remembering our youth
Bm6 A
all the things we swore and said we'd never do
A D#m Bm6 A
A D#m Bm6 A
G|--2-2------2-2------2-2-----2---| - the 2nd guitar during
D|--------------------------------| the oooo's
A D#m
You were all I knew
Bm6 A
in the oceans of a crowd you'd shine bright blue
A D#m
and years like time fell through
Bm6 A
and despite myself I fell in love with you
A D#m Bm6 A
youuuuuuu, you
A D#m Bm6 A
youuuuuuu, you
D#m Bm6 A
it's the one thing that i swore i'd never do
D#m Bm6 A
it's the one thing that i swore i'd never do
D#m Bm6 A
and despite myself i'm still in love with you
D#m Bm6 A
| / slide up
| slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| pb Pre-bend
| br Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend