Artist: Beverly Craven /(Lutricia McNeal)
Song: Promise Me
Album: Beverly Craven /(Soulsister Ambassador)
Year: 1990 /(2004)
Transcribed by Roman Komp (
Hi folks,
I was tired of searching a tab for that song. I didn't find one (except one that just
stopped at the beginning of the refrain), so I decided to make one myself. Now that
I'm finished (for my part. I just wanted the chords so one can sing along round the
campfire - hey, it's getting summer!! O' course there is more stuff to transcribe),
I want to share it with you.
That song's to beautiful to be true, so have fun with it!
Eques tenebrarum 3/2005
PS.: If anyone has a piano transcription of this song, please mail it to me
Ok, in der Originaltonart und mit den Lyrics sieht das Ganze so aus:
2x{ Cm Bb(/C) Ab(/C) Bb(/C) } (Arpeggios zupfen)
Cm Bb
You light up another cigarette
Gm Ab
And I pour the wine
Cm Bb
It's four o'clock in the morning
Gm Ab
And it's starting to get light
Cm Bb
Now I'm right where I wanna be
Gm Ab
Losing track of time
Fm Gm Cm
But I wish that it was still last night
Cm Bb
You look like you're in another world
Gm Ab
But I can read your mind
Cm Bb
How can you be so far away
Gm Ab
Lying by my side
G Cm
When I go away I'll miss you
C Fm
And I will be thinking of you
Db Db/Eb
Every night and day just...
Ab Eb
Promise me you'll wait for me
Db Db/Eb Ab
'cos I'll be saving all my love for you
Eb Db Eb
And I will be home soo-o-o-oon
Ab Eb
Promise me you'll wait for me
Db C Fm Fm/Eb
I need to know you feel the same way too
Db Db/Eb Ab
And I'll be home, I'll be home soon
Angenehmer finde ich es aber mit Capo im 1. Bund:
Bm A G A
You light up...
Bm A F#m G
Bm A F#m G
Bm A F#m G
Em F#m Bm Bm
You look...
Bm A F#m G
Bm A F#m G
When I go away...
F# Bm
B Em
C C/D (C-Akkord mit D im Bass, auf der Gitarre z.B. offener C Akkord ohne Finger auf
der D-Saite)
Promise me...
G D C B Em Em/D
Lutricia McNeal geht's noch etwas tiefer an:
Am G Em F
Am G Em F
Am G Em F
Dm Em Am Am
Am G Em F
Am G Em F
E Am A Dm
Bb Bb/C (auf d. Git. beim Bb-Barree den zweiten Finger auf die A-Seite, damit zus.
die d-Saite abdämpfen)
F C Bb Bb/C
F C Bb C
F C Bb A Dm Dm/C (C mit dem Daumen)
Bm Bm/C F
Das war's. Viel Spaß und bis zum nächsten Mal wünscht Euch
Euer Eques tenebrarum
PS.: Wenn jemand eine komplette Transkription von dem Song hat (Klaviernoten): Ich wäre
echt super happy, wenn ich eine Kopie bekommen könnte an!!